We reject a resolution passed today by the City Council which unequivocally supports the actions of the Israeli state without any recognition of the humanity and oppression of the Palestinian people, especially…
Read moreBeyond the Headlines, Communities are Working to Replace Police with Actual Public Safety
As the movement to defund the police has grown more popular, many mainstream…
CPD Out of CPS Panel: The Fight To End Police Brutality In Schools
On October 5th, activists held a "CPS, Safety, and Democracy" panel advocating the…
Anti-Asian, Anti-Sex Work Hate Crimes Don’t Get A Congressional Hearing
This piece was originally published in the author's newsletter - Classtime. You can…
I Urge You To Vote No On This Malicious Budget
This is the written version of the public comment given by Catlyn Savado…
Full Abolitionism — The Highest Stage of Socialism
The combination of despair at the U.S. government’s refusal to address the COVID-19…
87% of Chicagoans Want to #DefundCPD
According to the Mayor Lori Lightfoot's own survey, 87% of Chicagoans want more…
$5 Million/Day
Chicago spends nearly 40% of our budget on the police department. That’s 5…
DEBATE DEFLATE: Vicko Alvarez (part 2)
Yes, they are racists, but Vicko Alvarez is back to remind us that…
When Weeks Become Decades: Riots and Rebellions
– Almost all progressive change in the United States of America has occurred…
“CPAC from A to D:” How Chicago Can Win a Civilian Police Accountability Council
Across the country, collective uprisings are building momentum for the conversation surrounding the…
The Black Abolitionist Network: An Interview with Jasson Perez
This article originally appeared at Rampant. After the first weeks of the rebellion…
An Abolitionist Moment in Chicago
This moment holds possibilities for change that we have never before experienced... we…
RSL#10 Pain of the Pandemic Comes from Capitalism
Hadas Thier, Author of A People's Guide to Capitalism (@HadasThier, @haymarketbooks), talks with…
Class Enemy of the Week: Miguel del Valle, Sendhil Revuluri, Dwayne Truss and Lucino Sotelo
The brutal murders of George Floyd, Breona Taylor, and countless other unarmed Black…
Why Socialists Should Fight to Defund the Police
DSA, like the working class in general, is facing a moment of possibility…
How to Demand Racial Justice Right Now
Now is a moment of historical urgency, demanding action from organized socialists. If…