[Friedrich Engels’] three classical laws of dialectics [are]…the law of “interpenetrating opposites,” the interdependence of components; the “transformation of quantity to quality,” a systems-based view of change that translates incremental inputs into…
Read moreNonprofits and the City’s Political Economy: A Case Study
Marxist analysis of attempts by executives of nonprofits to halt labor organizing in…
Ultraliberalism: The Dominant Tendency of the American Left
Ultraliberalism is the predominant politics of the left, and so long as the…
Eye on Springfield
Introduction. In the U.S. system, the power is at the state level. Federal…
Primer Red: The Petit (Petty) Bourgeoisie
It has been observed, fairly widely at this point, that “Trumpism,” whatever that…
Starving and Policing Imperial Cities
To stay alive in perpetual late capitalist austerity, cities turned to a strategy…
Nation-Building, National Liberation and the Plurinational Working Class
Socialists and radicals have been and are grappling with how to grow and…
Organizations in Movement
“The body does not consist of one member but of many. If the…
Police Do Not Need Unions
Police unions are immensely powerful organizations that exercise outsized powers in U.S. cities.…
Outlaw Country
The worsening of the quality of life for U.S. workers can’t be neatly…
Mass Organizations and NGOs in a Socialist Movement
When socialists gathered this summer across two events—the Socialism 2019 conference in Chicago…
Non-Profits in the Coming Struggle
As socialists look out at the horizon of the struggle for a radically…
Direct Action in a Time of Class Struggle
Perhaps the most important political sentence written about Chicago went by largely unnoticed…
What It Means to Be a Marxist
It’s unfortunate that there isn’t a better word for “Marxism.” Marx himself famously…
Primer Red (Part 6): Late Capitalism
For previous editions of Primer Red, on dialectical materialism, alienation, class, value, and…
The American Countryside Was Collectivized Within a Generation
The countryside was collectivized within a generation. The process was accompanied by immense…
Resolutionary Socialism 2018
It’s easy, when we’re pressed up against each other, dealing with one crisis…