This morning, CTU and its supporters demonstrated outside of City Hall to demand that Mayor Lightfoot allow schools to make up the days that were missed due to the strike. CTU’s House of Delegates had already approved the tentative agreement struck between the union’s bargaining team and the city. But, ending the strike was contingent on the city agreeing to this one final concession. The mayor had said as recently as last night that she would not budge on making up the missed days. In the end, the two sides compromised and agreed to make up five of the eleven missed days. The tentative agreement will be put before CTU’s full membership for a vote sometime over the next ten days, but the strike is over.
A future issue of the Red Star Bulletin will examine the contracts secured by CTU and SEIU 73. At the moment, suffice to say that each union extracted concessions that the city would not have granted without the strike. CTU and SEIU 73 demonstrated solidarity with each other; CDSA demonstrated solidarity with both. And that did not go unnoticed.
The Labor Branch, and the chapter in general, built its capacity to respond quickly to shifting circumstances. CDSA members showed up for picket lines, rallies, and marches every day. The Bread for Ed campaign raised nearly $50,000 and partnered with community groups throughout the city to distribute food to strikers and CPS students.
Despite the flurry of activity the strike demanded, day-to-day CDSA work continued. The Electoral Working Group and the Political Education Committee each passed bylaws. The Medicare for All campaign tabled a flu shot event put on by Ald. Rodriguez-Sanchez (33rd). These are just a couple examples of the work that got done over the past two weeks. Overall, the chapter demonstrated the willingness and capacity to continue advancing a broad working-class agenda during a time of acute struggle.
Red Star would like to thank everyone who read these updates and provided encouragement. We would like to thank all CDSA members who contributed in any way to the strike. Most of all, we would like to thank the teachers and support staff who showed an overwhelming willingness to fight for a better future for the city.
The resolution of the strike is a cause for celebration, but it is not an ending. This was but one step on the path to working-class liberation. Get some rest; the struggle continues.
For now, this is your Red Star Strike Update team, signing off.
The Red Star Bulletin was conceived by Ramsin Canon and is a project of the Political Education & Policy Committee. This update was drafted by CDSA members. Special contributions were made by Devin Schiff and Nick Hussong. Graphics were contributed by Patrick O’Connell. If you would like to contribute to the Red Star Bulletin or have any feedback, email